My heat or A/C is not working properly.
- First, ensure you have recently changed the furnace filter. These can be purchased at your local hardware store or on Amazon. Filters should be changed every 2-3 months. Not all tenants are responsible for changing filters, so please refer to your lease agreement.
- Secondly, ensure the batteries in the thermostat have recently been changed.
- If neither of these resolves the issue, please submit a maintenance request via the tenant portal. It can take up to 48-Hours for our team to assess A/C issues, as they are not considered an emergency issue.
- We deem heat not working as an emergency issue, in addition to submitting a maintenance request, please call our emergency maintenance line at 734-800-8331. Here is our emergency maintenance process guide for additional information.
I have 2-pronged outlets in my room but many of my items have 3-prongs - What do I do?
- You will need to purchase 2 prong to 3 prong adapters to use with your plugs. There are various options available at most home improvement stores and at Amazon.
The water in my faucet is coming out brown - What do I do?
- The City of Ann Arbor performs annual fire hydrant inspection and system maintenance by flushing water through selected area hydrants during the spring and early summer. During this process, you may observe a fire hydrant with water coming out of the side opening. You can read more about what to do if the tap water is discolored on the City website.
My toilet is clogged - What do I do?
- Please try plunging the toilet to clear the blockage with a plunger first. Tenants are responsible for supplying their own plungers. If the issue persists, then submit a maintenance request via your dashboard.
My smoke detector is beeping - What do I do?
- Per your lease, you are responsible to change the batteries if they begin beeping after you have moved into the property. You can do so by removing the smoke alarm from the mounting bracket and removing the battery. Press and hold the test button for at least 15 seconds and replace the smoke detector. If the issue continues please contact us as the smoke detector may be malfunctioning.
The lightbulb is out in my light fixture - What do I do?
- Per your lease, you are responsible to change lightbulbs in your light fixtures. First remove the light cover. Twist out the old lightbulb and twist in a new lightbulb. Be sure to replace the bulb with a similar wattage bulb.
I think I might have mold in my unit - What do I do?
- Often mold is mistaken for mildew that can be cleaned by using a bleach disinfectant such as Clorox or Tilex. Mildew occurs when too much moisture accumulates in a small space without ventilation. Per your lease, you are responsible for cleaning the unit and moisture control. If mildew has accumulated in your unit- this is likely due to negligence in cleaning the unit.
- Our office cannot test nor recommend anyone to test for mold. If we can physically see the mold, we will contact the owner/agent and require them to bleach and/or use mold killing paint on any surface that will allow. For further information regarding mold/mildew issues, please contact the Washtenaw County Health Department at 734-222-3800.
Preventing water leaks on claw-foot tubs.
- If you have a clawfoot tub in your unit there is significant risk of water leaking out. Baker Street recommends purchasing two curtains from Amazon and hanging both curtains to prevent any water from leaking out while showering. Please be sure the curtain is closed all of the way around the bathtub to prevent water from escaping. You will also need 24 shower rings to hold both curtains. Tenants are responsible to prevent water from leaking out of the tub while showering.
My garbage disposal is clogged and not working.
- We commonly find that garbage disposals break or stop working due to tenant misuse. Please do not use the garbage disposal for high-volume waste, and do not place anything other than food waste down the disposal.
How to Use a Garbage Disposal
- Run a steady stream of cool water into the sink before turning on the garbage disposal. Learn why cool water in the disposal is best.
- Before placing any food waste into the disposal, turn it on first
- Gradually feed food waste into the disposal, avoid putting large amounts of food waste all at once as this may slow the grinding process
- Once the food waste has been broken down, turn the disposal off and let water run for a few seconds to flush the drain pipe.
- Don't add anything stringy or hard either.
- Don't bother “sharpening.”
- Do keep it clean.
- Do keep granular bits out of it.
- Don't stress over running hot or cold water.